Source code for parameter.types

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

Add custom type

If you want add your own type, you need inherit from
:class:`~parameter.types.BaseType` and override the abstract method
``convert``. It used to convert an raw value from request to the current

Here is an example::

    from parameter.types import BaseType

    class CVSList(BaseType):
        def convert(self, val):
            return val.split(",")

The above type receive a string value, and returns a list that split by

Then you can use the type you have defined.


    from parameter import Model, Argument

    class DemoEntity(Model):
        names = Argument(CVSList)

If you want some custom options, you can define the constructor method.


    from parameter.types import BaseType

    class CVSList(BaseType):
        def __init__(self, separator=","):
            self.separator = separator

        def convert(self, val):
            return val.split(self.separator)

The you can define a different separator.


    from parameter import Model, Argument

    class DemoEntity(Model):
        names = Argument(CVSList(separator="|"))
from __future__ import print_function, division, unicode_literals

import abc
import decimal
import inspect

from datetime import datetime

import six

from .exception import MismatchError, MaxlenExceedError

_all_string_types = six.string_types + (six.binary_type, six.text_type)

[docs]class BaseType(object): """Base class of the types.""" @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def convert(self, val): """Convert a value to this type. :raises: :class:`parameter.exception.MismatchError` """ pass # pragma: no cover
[docs]class String(BaseType): """String type. This is str in Python2 and bytes in Python3.""" def __init__(self, max_len=None, encoding="utf8"): """Initialize :param max_len: Maximum length of the string. :param encoding: Encoding of the string. """ self.max_len = max_len self.encoding = encoding def _check_max_len(self, val): if self.max_len is not None and len(val) > self.max_len: raise MaxlenExceedError(self.max_len)
[docs] def convert(self, val): if isinstance(val, six.text_type): val = val.encode(self.encoding) else: val = six.binary_type(val) self._check_max_len(val) return val
[docs]class Unicode(String): """Unicode type. This is unicode in Python2 and str in Python3."""
[docs] def convert(self, val): if isinstance(val, six.binary_type): val = val.decode("utf8") else: val = six.text_type(val) self._check_max_len(val) return val
[docs]class Integer(BaseType): """Integer type."""
[docs] def convert(self, val): if isinstance(val, six.integer_types): return val if isinstance(val, _all_string_types) and val.isdigit(): return int(val) raise MismatchError(val)
[docs]class Double(BaseType):
[docs] def convert(self, val): if isinstance(val, float): return val try: return float(val) except ValueError as e: raise MismatchError(e.args[0])
[docs]class Decimal(BaseType): def __init__(self, context=None): self.context = context
[docs] def convert(self, val): if isinstance(val, six.binary_type): val = val.decode("utf8") try: return decimal.Decimal(val, context=self.context) except decimal.InvalidOperation as e: raise MismatchError(e.args[0])
[docs]class Datetime(BaseType): def __init__(self, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"): self.format = format
[docs] def convert(self, val): if isinstance(val, six.binary_type): val = val.decode("utf8") try: return datetime.strptime(val, self.format) except ValueError as e: raise MismatchError(e.args[0])
[docs]class Date(Datetime): def __init__(self, format="%Y-%m-%d"): super(Date, self).__init__(format)
[docs] def convert(self, val): return super(Date, self).convert(val).date()
[docs]class Nested(BaseType): def __init__(self, model_cls): """Initialize :param model_cls: Subclass of :class:`~parameter.model.Model` """ from .model import Model if not inspect.isclass(model_cls): raise TypeError( "``model_cls`` except a class, but got %r." % model_cls) if not issubclass(model_cls, Model): raise ValueError( "``model_cls`` except a class which subclasses of ``Model`, " "but got %r." % model_cls) self.model_cls = model_cls
[docs] def convert(self, adapter): """Returns an instance which subclasses :class:`~parameter.model.Model` :param adapter: Adapter of the hosted model. :type adapter: :class:`~parameter.model.BaseAdapter` """ return self.model_cls(adapter)